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42 Words

There are 42 words standing between me and a finished manuscript.

Not my novel…obviously…but a picture book I’ve been working on for some time; that I plan on submitting to a literary agent, soon.

I love this story. It was inspired, as most of my stories are, by my little kindergartners. This one has to do with pirates…and vegetables. Like I said, I’ve been working on this one for a while, and I’m soclose to being really happy with it. But there’s this one section…I can’t seem to figure it out. I’ve been over it more times than I can count. The words aren’t right, but I don’t know how to fix them.


Ok, (deep breath), that helped. I think I’ve reached the point in the editing process that I need the input of others. I’ve read, reread, edited, reread, edited, to the point that my brain needs a pirate break!

The first person I always go to for editing is my Mom. As I’ve said before, she is (as far as mother’s go) brutally honest. She won’t try to spare my feelings. If what I’ve written is complete crap she won’t hesitate to send me back to the drawing board. So I’ll see what she has to say. Maybe she can help me get past those 42 words that are blocking my way to completion!

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